Linda Kapur, Speech & Language Therapist
Speech and Language Therapy supports children and young people who have speech, language, communication needs and/or swallowing difficulties.
Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs) work closely with parents, carers and other professionals, (e.g. Teachers, Health Visitors). SLTs work in a range of settings, including:
- Health Centres
- Special Schools
- Mainstream Schools
- Language Classes
- Nurseries and playgroups
- Sure Start
- Family home
- Hospital wards
Children may present with:
- Delayed language development
- Developmental Language Disorder
- Difficulties in producing sounds
- Stammering
- Voice disorders
- Eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties
Speech, language and communication difficulties may also be associated with:
- Learning and/or physical disabilities
- Autism/social interaction difficulties
- Hearing impairment
- Cleft palate
To contact our in house SLT, Linda Kapur, please use the following number: 07894613578