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Dry Arch Children's Centre, Dungiven
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Stay & Sing With Me


Sing, Dance, and Learn Together!

Stay and Sing with Me is a vibrant programme that invites parents and children to bond over the joy of singing, rhyming, and moving together. Our weekly sessions are designed to create a fun and interactive environment where children can express themselves through music and movement, while parents join in the fun and learning.

The Power of Music and Movement:

  • Engaging the Senses: Singing and dancing stimulate a child’s auditory, visual, and kinesthetic senses, aiding in comprehensive learning and development.
  • Physical Coordination: Movement activities help children develop their motor skills, balance, and coordination.
  • Language Development: Singing and rhyming enhance vocabulary, phonemic awareness, and language skills.
  • Emotional Connection: Shared musical experiences strengthen the emotional bond between parents and children.

Programme Highlights:

  • Interactive Sessions: Enjoy a blend of new songs and beloved classics that will have everyone singing and dancing.
  • Variety of Props: A wide range of props and instruments to engage and delight the children, adding an extra layer of fun to every session.
  • Parent Participation: Encourages parents to actively participate, creating memorable experiences and fostering a deeper connection with their children.
  • Weekly Fun: Consistent weekly sessions ensure that families can regularly engage in musical learning and fun.

Join the Fun:

Experience the joy of music and movement with Stay and Sing with Me. Our sessions are designed to be inclusive and accessible, ensuring that every family can participate and enjoy the benefits of musical engagement.

To register with us and express interest in this programme, please contact Caroline on 028 7744 6317, or fill in the enquiry form here.