Birth to 12 months

Birth – 3 months
- Your baby will want to be close to you to build connection and a strong attachment.
- Your baby will be able to follow your face from a distance of about 30 cms.
- Baby will communicate mostly through cries in the very early stages.
- You may begin to see smiles from your baby from around 6 weeks old.
- Baby should begin to try lifting their head when placed on their tummy.
- By the time they are 3 months old, your baby may be finding their voice and beginning to make little sounds to communicate with you.

6-9 months
- Your baby may begin sitting up without support, and become able to get themselves into a sitting position.
- They may grab at objects, and possibly pass them from hand to hand.
- Weaning begins – your baby will enjoy trying a variety of foods, and will begin to feed themselves finger foods, and may want to start holding their own bottle or cup.
- Your baby might start to copy speech sounds, usually with simple consonant sounds like “dadada”. They are usually beginning to understand simple words too, such as “bye bye” or “No”
- They may begin to pull themselves to standing.
- Separation anxiety may begin at this stage – this is perfectly normal! Lots of reassurance and cuddles will help.
- At the beginning of this age range, only 16% of babies are “sleeping through the night” – this means that they are getting a 5 hour stretch of continuous sleep.
- “Reverse Cycling” is common – baby may begin to be awake more at night and sleep more in the day – this will pass eventually!
9 months – 12 months
- Your baby may begin to crawl, stand briefly or walk with support from a grown up.
- Baby’s grip may be getting better and stronger – you may see them trying to grip smaller items between their thumb and index finger (pincer grip).
- They may call “mama” or “dada” and know who it means.
- Your baby may enjoy simple, repetitive games such as “peek a boo” and “pat a cake”